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Upgrade Policy: Upgrade Now

Registered users of Versions 19 and above of this software are eligible to purchase the upgrade.

Anyone purchasing an earlier version of this software within 90 days of the newest version being released can contact us for a free upgrade.

What's New with Version 24.0:

GrandPrix Race Manager™ was originally written for use in our Awana Grand Prix races at Gateway Church of El Cajon, CA. Then it was offered as shareware for a couple of years before being rewritten as a commercial grade application and launched as Version 2.0. Each year we continue to improve the software and have used it to run our own Awana and Cub Scout races each year. Countless race coordinators have given their feedback and suggestions over the years, which has helped make GrandPrix Race Manager into a quality race management software package and an outstanding value for the price.

Version 24.0 is part of the fourth generation of this software (V1 Shareware, V2-6, V7-15, V16-?). This generation is a major overhaul of the software to accomplish two main goals. The first is to make the software as user friendly and intuitive as possible. The second is to make the software compatible with both Windows and macOS. This was a major undertaking, as the software had to be written in a different programming language, but we are proud of the results and believe that you will find the software even more useful and easier to use.

  • New or Improved Features for All Users
    • Data Imports
      • Made changing data mappings easier by using drag and drop.  Eliminates the separate mappings screen.
      • Added auto check of first row of data for column titles.
      • Import dialog will now remember its size and position. 
    • Registration Tab
      • Renumbering racers will list the racers in the current sort order on the Registration tab.
      • Racer Name column can be displayed or hidden on the Rosters screen.
    • Racing
      • If there are no unrun heats ahead, previous heats will be checked.
      • Options menu items have been moved to the Racing screen's Settings screen.
      • A New Phase button added to the Racing screen, when a Dynamic schedule is being run.
      • An Intermission Timer button added directly to the Racing screen.
    • Serial Timers
      • Added support for NewBold Products Version 2 firmware.
    • Awards Tab
      • Made assigning award winners easier via drag and drop.
    • Reports
      • Added a new Staging Cards report.  Intended to be used to mark each vehicle's spot at the staging table.  Can be also used to check vehicles in.  Give to each racer and have them verify the information on the card.
    • General
      • Added tutorial video button to applicable tabs and screens for easier access to applicable tutorial video.
      • Icon Size preference is now applied to the icon buttons in the audience display screens.
      • Several other less notable improvements and fixes were implemented.
  • New or Improved Features for Pro Users
    • Software Settings
      • Maximum image size limit eliminated.
      • Added and option to control the size of thumbnails.
    • Advanced Software Settings
      • Added option to manually start a replay instead of the software doing an automatic replay after each heat, if using our RaceReplay software.
    • Registration Tab
      • Added drag and drop means to assign a photo to the applicable racer.  This is for photos not taken using this software.
      • Added new Slideshow screen to display racer photos and their info to the audience.  As racers are checked-in, they will be automatically added to the slideshow while it continues to run.
      • Image handling changed so original is not resized.  Thumbnails are created as needed.
    • Racing
      • If using our RaceReplay software, manual replay button added for on demand replays instead of a replay after every heat (if opted for the manual replay start in the Advanced Software Settings screen).
    • Serial Timers
      • Added a shorthand space character '\s' to the custom timer interface, if needed.
    • Track Records
      • Any Grand Finals records will be evaluated to see if there was a new record for the racer's original race group.
    • General
      • Several other less notable improvements and fixes were implemented.

Version 23.0 Changes