GrandPrix Race Manager Instructional Videos:
Intro to GrandPrix Race Manager
Step 1 - Create a Race Data File
Step 2 - Software Settings
Step 3 - Report Settings
Step 4 - Hardware Settings - Timer, Solenoid and Light Tree setup and testing.
Step 4b - Hardware Settings (Custom Timer) - How to setup the software to interface with a non-supported commercial or DIY serial timer.
Step 5 - Define Competition Groups
Step 6 - Define Awards (optional)
Step 7 - Register Racers
Step 8 - Create Race Schedules (Built-in Schedulers)
Step 8b - Create Race Schedules (Custom Schedules)
Step 9 - Run the Race
Step 9b - Starting a New Round, Grand Finals Round and/or Grand Turtle Round (optional)
Step 10 - Awards Ceremony (optional)
Serial Port Communications Troubleshooting:
USB Drivers - Microsoft Windows - Make sure that you have the appropriate drivers installed.
USB Drivers - Mac - Make sure that you have the appropriate drivers installed.
Communications Tests - Some tests to verify that the port is working correctly. ** Watch this after you have ensured that the USB drivers are installed properly.
Reports - How to generate and export reports.
Partial Heat Rerun - How to rerun a heat without rerunning all of the racers in that heat.
Lost Timer Communications - How to deal with a loss of timer communications when communications were previously working.
Add Racer After Racing Started - How to add a racer(s) to your schedule after racing has already begun.
Exclude Racers - How to allow a racer to run but not show up in the standings.
Exclude Grand Finals Winners - How to keep the Grand Finals winners from showing up in the standings for their original race group.
Interfacing to Other Software:
Interface to RaceFX - How to interface GrandPrix Race Manager and RaceFX to automatically play sound effects during the race.
Interface to RaceReplay - How to interface GrandPrix Race Manager and RaceReplay to automatically record and do a video replay of each heat.
Interface to DerbyDMV - How GrandPrix Race Manager and DerbyDMV can use the same data file and images.